Tāne Houston is our Pouatawhai/Lead Ranger for Haumanuhia te Hononga Taiao. This is a partnership programme between Te Korowai o Ngāruahine and the Taranaki Mounga Project.
Of Ngāruahine, Tāngahoe, Ngāti Ruanui. Ngāti Manuhiakai, Ngāti Tupaia and Ngāti Tānewai descent, Tane is at home on his maunga.
He is enjoying working with different people who are passionate about te taiao – the natural environment.
Tane holds a number of leadership positions in his south Taranaki community including mentoring at-risk rangatahi Māori through his involvement with Rongo Taua, he is a Trustee for Kai Kitchen Trust and is heavily involved as kaitiaki for Ngāti Tupaia. This includes working closely with Rotokare Scenic Reserve which is located within their rohe.
We are proud to have Tāne as part of our team. He brings a wealth of knowledge in Te Ao Māori and tikanga, is passionate about people and our environment. All are important ingredients to connecting us all to our tupuna maunga.
Tāne’s positions was established thanks to DOC Jobs for Nature Funding.