
Eco-index tool helps biodiversity

A digital tool that guides native habitat restoration is helping inform a landscape restoration project in Taranaki to make bigger gains. Eco-index, a research programme established by New Zealand’s Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, has developed a science-based tool for working out the best places to target restoration efforts, such as native plantings. Eco-index recently delivered their…

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Graduating apprentice’s journey

Whitikau Rio only ventured on Taranaki Maunga a few times with his whānau when he was growing up in South Taranaki. The last two years as an apprentice ranger with Taranaki Mounga Project has turned that around, reconnecting him with the maunga, where he’s out and about on most days. Whitikau (of Ngā Rauru, Ngā Ruahinerangi, Ngāti Ruanui)…

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A day in the life…

A day in the life of ranger/pou atawhai Tāne Houston on Radio NZ’s Country Life programme today. Reporter Sally Round interviews Tāne out and about on Taranaki Maunga. A great listen!

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The fantastic legacy of NEXT

Taranaki Mounga is proud to have partnered with strategic philanthropists NEXT. From 2014 to 2024, NEXT have invested more than $100 million in support of environment, education and strategic philanthropy in Aotearoa New Zealand. Take a read of their review looking back over the past 10 years as their organisation sunsets. Annette and Neil and…

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More and more kiwi released

Kiwi release season is in full swing with 34 kiwi having been released on Taranaki Maunga, with many more to come. Over the next two months more than 100 kiwi are expected to be released at various sites across Taranaki Maunga. A ceremony at Stratford Mountain House on March 21 marked the first kiwi release…

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Building relationships

Relationships are key to providing the right environment for relocating larger numbers of kiwi from Maungatautari Sanctuary to Taranaki Maunga. Our recent wānanga with Ngāti Koroki Kahukura and Maungatautari whānau was about connecting and building strong relationships across iwi, hapū and taiao groups.

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Apprentices Graduate

From helping out to now organising things, Mereana Hanrahan feels she’s come a long way in her apprentice journey. “My knowledge has grown in so many ways – from operating a GPS, reading the land and identifying trees and manu. At the moment I’m organising our crew for monitoring toutouwai, and when I first started…

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Kiwi adventures beyond Kaitake

A feisty kiwi has been returned to Kaitake Ranges after an adventure across paddocks and past houses. Taranaki Kiwi Trust staff and volunteers have been monitoring the kiwi, along with other kiwi who were relocated to Taranaki Maunga in April this year as part of Taranaki Mounga Project’s kiwi programme. Six months after arriving on…

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Vegetation in best condition

Taranaki Maunga has native vegetation in the best condition in the country, according to a renowned ecologist. Professor Bruce Clarkson, from the University of Waikato, said Te Papakura o Taranaki had the highest quality of vegetation compared with national parks across Aotearoa, excluding fenced sanctuaries, and covering a substantial area of 33,500 hectares. “We have…

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Taranaki Maunga Signing

The signing of Te Ruruku Pūtakeronga, the collective deed of redress for Taranaki Maunga, was a momentous occasion on Friday, September 1, 2023. The agreement between the Crown and iwi of Taranaki includes a Crown apology, the recognition of Taranaki Maunga as a legal person, Māori names restored and co-governed management of the national park,…

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Welcoming new volunteers

Taranaki Mounga Project is onboarding a new group of volunteers to help manage traplines on the southern side of Taranaki Maunga starting in October. They will become part of a large network of helpers including 40 volunteers working on the northern side of the mountain and 60 volunteers working on Kaitake with the Kaitake Conservation…

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First Apprentice Ranger Graduates

The first apprentice ranger to graduate with Taranaki Mounga Project has blazed the trail for others to follow. Tipunakore Rangiwai recently celebrated completing the two-year kaiwhakamōkihi/trainee ranger programme and is now part of the Te Kāhui o Taranaki Toa Taiao team working as a ranger to protect pā and other special places within the takiwā of Taranaki Iwi. Tipunakore says it feels amazing to have completed the apprenticeship and he has enjoyed gaining experience…

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