Apprentices relish chance to protect birds on Taranaki Maunga

Apprentices Mereana Hanrahan, Mawene Bidois, Jarvis Edwards and Tipunakore Rangiwai. Photo – Vanessa Laurie
Seeing flocks of kereru whirring past as he works is a highlight of Mawena Bidois’ new job as a pest controller on Taranaki Maunga.
He’s one of four apprentices who started work with the Taranaki Mounga Project three weeks ago, and is full of enthusiasm for his new career.
“This job gives me the opportunity to work alongside my maunga, my mountain, my biggest aspiration,” he said.
“We are eradicating a lot of predators, so we can release kiwi and whio back into the maunga, so they can thrive in here. Every day is different, that’s what I like about it.”
The apprenticeship scheme is funded through Predator Free New Zealand as part of a nationwide programme to train more animal pest control specialists to support the predator-free vision.
Read the full Taranaki Daily News article here.